DIY Flower Pot Label

DIY Flower Pot Label

Summer Crafting with Unconventional Materials

Last year, for the first time, I collected seeds from various flowers in my garden.  

This year, once those seeds were planted, I needed a creative way to identify the flowers.  

Using plastic cut from a Milk Jug and Alcohol Ink, I created artsy flower pot labels.

DIY Flower Pot Label

Materials Used:              (*affiliate links)

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DIY Flower Pot Label


  • Protect your work surface.  (this can be a messy project)
  • Cut the flat sides of the milk jug into 2 ½” x 3 ½” strips.
  • Fill the mini mister* with alcohol*.

DIY Flower Pot Labels

  • Drop several drops of alcohol ink* onto the plastic.
  • Spray the alcohol inks with the alcohol-filled mini mister to make the inks run and spread.
  • Use a straw to direct the spread of the inks.

DIY Flower Pot Label

  • Once the inks have dried, spray the plastic with a matte acrylic sealer to help weatherproof the label.

DIY Flower Pot Label.

DIY Flower Pot Label-Sue's Creative Workshop 8823

I have several small pots of flowers growing.  I will eventually place some of them in the ground.  

The others I will leave in the pots.  I will harvest the seeds again in the fall.

This was a very cost-effective way to add beautiful blooms to my garden.