Sea Glass Milk Bottle Vase

How to create a Sea Glass Vase…

I love the light and airy look of sea glass.

Inspired by a recent trip to the ocean… I decided to try my hand at making a Sea Glass Vase.

I used these cute Milk Bottles* from LeisureArts*  and Krylon Sea Glass Spray Paint, Aqua*.

The Sea Glass Paint is available in several colors like Sea Glass Ruby*.  (I’m thinking Christmas!)

I contemplated the best way to paint my bottle.  Because I wanted to also paint the bottom of

the Milk Bottle*,  I came up with the idea of inserting a paint roller handle into the bottle.

While the idea was good in theory, it was hard to rotate the jar evenly when spraying.

(see first at tempt picture below↓)

After the first attempt…  I got a little smarter and wrapped the handle in paper, making a

snugger fit.  (that worked great)  I was able to rotate the bottle using the handle as I sprayed

the bottle with short thin coats of paint to avoid drips.

The more coats applied the less translucent the finish will be.

Once painted, I was able to use the handle to aid in drying.

To go with the Beachy Sea Glass look, I wrapped twine around the neck of the Milk Bottle*

and added a small seashell I picked up on the beach.     (FYI…vase should be hand washed only)

A perfect addition to the dinner table.

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16 thoughts on “Sea Glass Milk Bottle Vase

  1. Jo Ann Spofford says:

    Great idea of using the handle wrapped with paper for holding the vase. Painting a bottle is always a challenge.

  2. Toni Townsend says:

    I love the idea of the cranberry sea-glass as there is ( NOTHING ) in my home that is blue.
    But cranberry will do the trick…Thanks so much for this idea..Great job..

  3. Kandy howard says:

    Thought of a way to spray paint bottle instead of using something you have to hold in your hand and turn for all over even spraying. Use a longer handle or stick that can be pushed into ground or secured in bucket of sand that you can walk around while spray painting

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