How to build a Snowman with Smoothfoam…

How to make a Snowman Using Smoothfoam balls and snowtex

Making a Snowman is pretty easy.  All it takes is a little patience and time.

(and a few ingredients)

Here’s what you’ll need to make a Snowman:                  (*amazon affiliate link)

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  1. Cut a small section off the bottom of the 4″ Smoothfoam ball so that it sits flat.
  2. Cut a couple of 3″ sections from the bamboo skewer.  Stick the skewer into the center of the 2″ and 3″ Smoothfoam balls.
  3. Add craft glue to the ends of the skewers before sticking the three balls together to form the snowman base.  (Allow glue to fully dry before continuing to the next step)
  4. Using a palette knife, smooth Snow-tex over Snowman base.  Here’s where the patience comes in… Allow a couple of hours for the Snow-tex to completely dry.
  5. Paint the entire Snowman base with white acrylic paint.  This fills in and helps cover any area missed by the Snow-tex.
  6. For a Frosty Look…paint the Snowman base with Craft Twinkles Glitter Paint.
  7. Cut a thin strip of grey felt and glue around the base of the hat to create a band.  Glue holly embellishment onto band to cover seam.  Glue to the top of the Snowman head.
  8. Cut a strip of gingham fabric and tie around neck.  Cut small slits into the ends of fabric for fringe.
  9. Use two small black brads inserted into the head for the eyes.  Use five micro black brads insert as the mouth.
  10. Cut the pointed end from a bamboo skewer and paint with orange paint.  Stick into head for the nose.

Here’s a Close up of Mr. Snowman.  Isn’t he Handsome?

This project was created for Smoothfoam and sponsored by Smoothfoam and DecoArt.

Love Snowmen?  Create your own “Snowball Fight” here.

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