How to Make Wood Slice Snowmen


What to do with a basket of Wood Slices*

This past summer, when my husband was trimming the old pine tree,

I asked him to save a few logs from the branches.

I wasn’t sure then what I was planning to make but I knew I wanted to save some just in case.


I asked my husband to cut wood slices out of the smaller logs using a circular saw.

If you don’t have access to a pine log or don’t feel like cutting Wood Slices*

you can also purchase them online.

For those of you who don’t want to cut your own Wood Slices*.

You can also find them online by clicking on the pictures↓.  (*affiliate link)


Make sure to double check sizes before ordering.


I picked out four wood slices of varying sizes.


I laid out the wood slices to determine placement of how I wanted them to go together.

I drilled small holes on the end of the wood slices with a fine drill bit approx. 1/4-1/2″ into the

end of the wood.


Using small dowel rods or bamboo skewers for reinforcement,  I inserted the rods into the

holes with a squirt of DecoArt Americana Wood Glue*.  (*affiliate link)

Each wood slice has a small wood dowel piece in between to hold the snowman together.


Once the wood slice snowman was completely dry and stable,

I drilled a hole in the center of the largest wood slice to use as my base.

The Snowman is attached to the base using a small dowel and wood glue*.


To decorate the snowman…

  • Cut a piece of flannel slightly larger than the area around the head.
  • Fold and glue a small cuff using Fabri-Tac Permanent Adhesive*.
  • Glue the ends of the flannel together to create a tall “tube”.
  • Glue tube onto the top of the Wood Slice Snowman’s head,
  • Tie the top of the tube with a piece of string or thread.
  • Trim and fringe the excess fabric on the top of the tube to make it look like a hat tassel.
  • Cut a longer 1″ wide piece of flannel to tie around the neck of the snowman.  Don’t forget to fringe the ends.


To make a Reindeer Wood Slice Ornament…

  1. Paint the center of the wood slice with black chalkboard paint.
  2. Paint the reindeer cut out with silver acrylic paint.
  3. Glue reindeer onto wood slice with quick dry glue.
  4. Glue glitter holly berries embellishment onto reindeer.
  5. I used a push pin to start a small hole on the end of the wood slice.
  6. Screw a loop screw into the hole and add a ribbon to hang.

For more Wood Slice Projects Click on the Pictures below.



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14 thoughts on “How to Make Wood Slice Snowmen

  1. Marla Gunter says:

    You so made my day with theses cuties. I happen to have some wood slices, went right to work and made one, now I am making several for Xmas gifts. I’ve had these slices foreve, a elderly man gave them to me, I wondered what I could do with them and Walah! You made the difference! Thank You so much. I was going to show you a picture but don’t know how to send it.
    They are the Curest ever!

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